How does work affect health, happiness and wellbeing?
How can we resolve the fact that people want to know what to do but do not like being told what to do?
How effective is money for driving productivity and increasing engagement?
100) Most people like work. Job satisfaction levels have stayed relatively high from decade to decade. #talenttectonics Learn more here
99) Executives who give unreasonable goals to managers can create a culture of abusive supervisory behavior as overworked managers vent their frustration on employees. #talenttectonics Learn more here:
98) Employees in abusive work environments can start to suffer from moral disengagement, the belief that unethical or cruel behavior is justified in certain situations. #talenttectonics Learn more here
97) Job satisfaction does matter: 100 best companies to work for generated 2.3% to 3.8% higher stock returns than peers over time #talenttectonics Learn more here
96) What HR methods tend to have biggest impact on financial performance? In order of impact: building skills, motivating performance, providing career opportunities. #talenttectonics Learn more here
95) The job you hold influences your moral perspective. What you do for a living can change your values. Learn more here
94) Employees are less likely to quit if their coworkers have higher levels of job satisfaction even if they themselves are unhappy at work. #talenttectonics Learn more here:
93) The impression coworkers form about an employee during their first 90 days on the job significantly influences their long-term work outcomes
92) Work loses its joy if your coworkers or supervisors are mean or rude to you, even if you liked the work initially. #talenttectonics Learn more here
91) Over 90% of employees have experienced or witnessed inappropriate workplace behavior #talenttectonics Learn more here
90) Employees who work in jobs they find unfulfilling or boring are more likely to volunteer to participate in corporate social responsibility programs #talenttectonics Learn more here
89) Flexible work is more likely to help your career if your manager believes you are doing it to increase your productivity versus doing it to accommodate non-work demands #talenttectonics Learn more here:
88) Job candidates are more likely to accept job offers when recruiters keep them informed and quickly respond to their questions during the hiring process #talenttectonics Learn more here:
87) The ratio of CEO-to-worker pay in large public companies has risen from around 40:1 in the early 1980s to well over 350:1 #talenttectonics Learn more here:
86) Employees who quit earlier in their tenure are more likely to return as “boomerang” hires. When longer tenure employees leave they tend to leave for good. #talenttectonics Learn more here:
85) Working in a stressful job negatively impacts your health and home life .#talenttectonics Learn more here:
84) Low performing employees tend to dismiss negative feedback as inaccurate. High performing employees are more likely to accept it #talenttectonics Learn more here:
83) Happiness is not about feeling good all the time, it is about feeling good some of the time. #talenttectonics Learn more here:
82) There are two distinct types of job stress: challenge based and hindrance based. Challenge stress comes from having difficult goals and isn’t necessarily bad. Hindrance stress comes from inefficient processes, lack of strategic direction and hypocrisy and damages employee morale and health #talenttectonics Learn more here:
81) Managers who lack confidence in their managerial skills avoid listening to employees. They don’t know how to deal with employee problems so they pretend there are no problems #talenttectonics Learn more here:
80) Allowing employees to create their own job titles reduces employee stress. We are happier when we can define our own identity. #talenttectonics Learn more here :
79) Employees and leaders who have a high level of status in the organization are often the most resistant toward efforts to change the company #talenttectonics Learn more here:
78) Being taller is associated with career success for men – not because of their height but because society tends to treat taller men as being more capable #talenttectonics Learn more here:
77) Employees show more helpful, proactive behavior if they have been shown gratitude for things they have done in the past. #talenttectonics Learn more here:
76) There is an optimal level of team confidence. Teams that lack confidence tend to give up quickly but teams that have too much confidence do not pay adequate attention to their performance #talenttectonics Learn more here:
75) Working through lunch tends to make you less productive in the afternoon #talenttectonics Learn more here:
74) It is not having power that corrupts leaders, but the fear of losing the power they have. #talenttectonics Learn more here:
73) Having to deal with unethical customers damages the morale, health and happiness of customer service employees. #talenttectonics Learn more here:
72) Using humor during team meetings improves team performance but only if employees feel a sense of job security #talenttectonics Learn more here:
71) The way entrepreneurs think makes it hard to retain them in large, slower moving organizations. #talenttectonics Learn more here:
70) There is a difference between seeking feedback and monitoring performance. One is about asking for suggestions, the other is about maintaining self-awareness. Experienced employees put more energy into monitoring performance than seeking feedback. #talenttectonics Learn more here:
69) Checking e-mail less frequently reduces stress. Put down that phone and relax. #talenttectonics Learn more here:
68) For most of history people over 65 have never exceeded 4% of the population. In the developed world they now comprise 15% and could reach 25% by 2050 #talenttectonics Learn more here:
67) Failing to clearly communicate how pay decisions are made tends to lower employee performance levels #talenttectonics Learn more here:
66) Managers make decisions about employees based more on how comfortable it will be for the manager as opposed to how fair it will be for the employee #talenttectonics Learn more here:
65) The best customer service employees change their emotional states to make themselves more effective using a method called “deep acting” #talenttectonics Learn more here:
64) Training managers to explain how pay decisions relate to employee performance is critical to maximizing the motivational value of pay for performance methods #talenttectonics Learn more here:
63) Cynical people tend to make less money than non-cynical people. #talenttectonics Learn more here:
62) Unemployment can change your personality. Men in particular can become more close minded and less responsible when unemployed for more than 3 years #talenttectonics Learn more here:
61) People who are motivated in part by outperforming others are often the highest performers in a company #talenttectonics Learn more here:
60) Employees tend to be more productive on rainy days #talenttectonics Learn more here:
59) Making sure new employees meet with their managers on the first day of work and start with their computer systems set up has lasting positive impacts on engagement and commitment #talenttectonics Learn more here:
58) How senior leaders act influences how managers act multiple levels below them. One way to get managers to act differently is to get executives to act differently #talenttectonics Learn more here:
57) Many people lack skills to effectively use feedback for development. People benefit when they are trained on how to receive feedback. #talenttectonics Learn more here:
56) Service employees who rely on tips for pay are more likely to be sexually harassed by customers. #talenttectonics Learn more here:
55) Employees are more likely to voice their opinions when they feel managers understand their perspectives, feel their opinions are respected, and feel they have some control over their work situation #talenttectonics Learn more here:
54) Employees are less likely to comply with complicated rules and regulations. If you want people to follow policies then make them simple and straightforward. #talenttectonics Learn more here:
53) Our performance at work often improves when we take a pause to mentally reflect and refocus our energy on what we are doing and why we are doing it. #talenttectonics Learn more here:
52) Long term unemployed people are less likely to receive interview requests regardless of their qualifications, however this effect went away in states that had unemployment anti-discrimination legislation #talenttectonics Learn more here:
51) Job stress is higher in jobs where work demands change considerably from one day to the next. The variability in job demands is a source of stress in and of itself. #talenttectonics Learn more here:
50) Not working can be bad for our health. Having too much free time damages well-being almost as much as having too little. #talenttectonics Learn more here:
49) People who worked past the age of 67 experienced less cognitive decline later in life than those who stopped working at an earlier age. #talenttectonics Learn more here:
48) Organizations that accept employee turnover as inevitable and natural are less impacted by loss of talent than companies that view turnover as a threat to be avoided. #talenttectonics Learn more here:
47) Volatility in pay associated with commission and time-based compensation methods can increase employee turnover. Employees value some level of pay stability in and of itself. #talenttectonics Learn more here:
46) Mindfulness training enables people to more effectively manage stresses associated with multi-tasking and work overload #talenttectonics Learn more here
45) Managers need recognition too. Supervisors benefit emotionally and operationally when their subordinates express appreciation for their skills and contributions. #talenttectonics Learn more here
44) Employees who feel emotionally exhausted by their work are more likely to display negative behavior toward customers, particularly if they do not feel supported by their manager. #talenttectonics Learn more here:
43) Company investment in corporate social responsibility programs significantly increases employee sense of commitment, trust and identification toward the organization. #talenttectonics Learn more here:
42) The study of information communication technology (e.g., e-mail, online platforms, social media) is emerging as a unique aspect of psychology given the influence this technology has on our behavior and emotions
41) Employees who feel they lack power over their work are more paranoid, aggressive and inefficient #talenttectonics. Learn more here:
40) People can be taught to regulate their emotions. And customer service people who do this well make more money on tips. #talenttectonics.
39) Want skilled employees to stay on the job instead of retiring? Give them a stronger sense of control over their work and actively support their health and well-being. #talenttectonics Learn more here:
38) Many employees in organizations that claim to have pay for performance programs do not believe their performance impacts their pay. #talenttectonics Learn more here:
37) Unjust behavior by managers increases levels of Insomnia in employees. The good news is you can train managers to be less unjust. #talenttectonics Learn more here:
36) Companies that promote and reward knowledge sharing between employees have higher levels of employee performance. #talenttectonics Learn more here:
35) Leadership hypocrisies increase employee turnover intention. If leaders fail to “walk their talk” then it is employees who do the walking. #talenttectonics Learn more here:
34) Staffing selection decisions are more accurate when one person is used to assess all the candidates #talenttectonics Learn more here:
33) Political skill can be accurately measured and significantly predicts career success #talenttectonics Learn more here:
32) Programs that encourage employees to be safety minded on the job decrease accidents both at work and at home #talenttectonics Learn more here:
31) What factors have the biggest influence on the level of happiness in a nation? In order of impact: wealth, rule of law, human rights, low corruption, efficient government, progressive taxation, social security programs, political freedom, property rights, low unemployment, healthier environments, and more natural green space. #talenttectonics Learn more here:
30) The best customer service people actively change their internal emotional states to make themselves more effective. This is called “deep acting”. #talenttectonics Learn more here:
29) Training managers to explain how pay decisions relate to employee performance is critical to maximizing the value of pay for performance #talenttectonics Learn more here:
28) Unemployment can change your personality but tends to be different for men and women. Men in particular tend to become more close-minded and less responsible when unemployed for more than 3 years #talenttectonics Learn more here:
27) If you don’t trust your teammates than over time, they will come to distrust you. #talenttectonics Learn more here:
26) When people show up to work while sick it decreases the performance of their coworkers (the tendency of many people to go to work even when sick is often called “presenteeism”). #talenttectonics Learn more here:
25) If you must e-mail people in non-work hours, make sure your e-mail is kindly worded and does not require much of their time. People get angry when you ask them to spend time working during weekends. #talenttectonics Learn more here: )
24) Companies that tolerate employees who frustrate or offend their coworkers experience much lower levels of team performance . #talenttectonics Learn more here:
23) Fathers that are more involved in raising their children tend to have slightly higher job satisfaction levels and lower turnover levels. #talenttectonics Learn more here: )
22) Employees who have developed strong social ties with others tend to be more resilient managing stress at work #talenttectonics Learn more here:
21) Competitive people who are motivated by outperforming others are often the highest performers in an organization. #talenttectonics Learn more here: )
20) Gender bias has less effect on selection decisions when hiring managers have to explain their decision to others #talenttectonics Learn more here:
19) Negative feedback is very effective at improving performance if people believe they can improve and feel they have the support they need to improve, in fact it may be even more effective than positive feedback if these two conditions exist. #talenttectonics Learn more here:
18) Being overqualified for a job negatively affects performance if you are the only overqualified person on the team, but if everyone on the team is overqualified then it doesn’t seem to matter much. #talenttectonics Learn more here: )
17) Lack of transparency increases employee anxiety. Feelings of job insecurity decrease employee performance in companies that do not have clearly defined and consistently applied HR processes. #talenttectonics Learn more
16) Over the past 50 years jobs have steadily given workers more skill variety, independence, and autonomy, but what people valued then they value now. The nature of work has changed a lot, but the nature of workers is largely the same now as it was then in terms of what makes work rewarding. #talenttectonics Learn more
15)When parental status and family situation are taken into account, men and women have roughly equal levels of work-family conflict. Work family conflict is affected by an employee’s caregiver status, not their gender. #talenttectonics Learn more
14) Retail employees were less likely to offer help to customers when they worked in overheated or uncomfortably hot stores. #talenttectonics Learn more
13) Hierarchical leadership structures usually hurt team performance except in situations with high levels of task and role ambiguity. #talenttectonics Learn more
12) US companies pay around $100 billion a year for time that employees spend waiting around or simply doing nothing at al. #talenttectonics Learn more l
11) There is an optimal level of work stress. Too much anxiety about work hurts performance, but so does having too little anxiety. #talenttectonics Learn more
10) Employees are better at managing job stress if they feel their job is helping them develop new capabilities. #talenttectonics Learn more
9) Chronic job insecurity changes people’s core personality over time making them more neurotic and less agreeable #Talent Tectonics
8) People are more effective at supporting diversity programs when they are not part of the groups being targeted by the programs they are promoting #Talent Tectonics
7) The hiring decisions of recruiters who look at candidates’ social media sites are biased by non-job relevant and often legally protected information such as marital status, gender and religious and political affiliations. #Talenttectonics
6) Many pregnant women feel discriminated against at work due to their condition; perceived pregnancy discrimination increases risks of post-partum depression and problems during delivery #Talenttectonics
5) Employees are more tolerant of poor performing colleagues if they believe their colleagues are trying their hardest and simply lack the ability to do better.
4) Post-merger retention of employees increases when employees from each firm are encouraged to interact and communicate with one another.
3) Mindfulness can be detrimental in jobs where people must act differently from how they feel internally; sometimes the best way to cope with a stressful job is to mentally escape from work.
2) Customers were more accepting of hospitality service robots when the robots were given names, images and other features that encourage anthropomorphizing the machines.
1) Providing people with a guaranteed basic income is associated with economic growth, less childhood poverty, better school performance, and less crime. And with few exceptions, does not appear to reduce people’s desire to work. #talenttectonics Learn more here:
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